Speller (CS50)

High-Speed Spell-Checking


A spell-checker implementation in C, focusing on high-performance through a hash table for efficient dictionary word retrieval. Prioritizing real-time speed, it demonstrates the importance of algorithmic efficiency and memory management. The project underlines the significance of selecting optimal data structures to ensure fast processing while minimizing resource usage.


  • To implement a high-efficiency spell-checker with an emphasis on speed optimization.
  • To construct and fine-tune a hash table for rapid word retrieval.
  • To understand and apply the balance between time complexity and efficient resource use.
  • To gain hands-on experience with algorithmic performance and effective memory management.


Key Features

  1. Hash Table Structure:
    • Utilized a hash table (node *table[N]) with a prime number (N = 29) of buckets to store words. The prime number reduces collisions and evenly distributes words across the hash table.
  2. Custom Hash Function:
    • Implemented a custom hash function (hash(const char *word)) using the djb2 algorithm. This function converts words into a hash value, ensuring efficient placement and retrieval from the hash table.
    • The function handles word case-insensitivity by converting each character to lowercase.
  3. Dictionary Loading and Word Insertion:
    • In the load function, the dictionary is opened, and words are read in. For each word, a new node is dynamically allocated and inserted into the hash table at the position determined by the hash function.
    • The insertion process involves adding the new node at the beginning of the list in the relevant bucket, with n -> next = table[key]; table[key] = n;.
  4. Word Checking:
    • The check function searches for a word in the hash table. It hashes the input word and traverses the linked list at the corresponding index, comparing with existing words using strcasecmp.
  5. Memory Management:
    • The unload function iterates through each bucket in the hash table, freeing all nodes to prevent memory leaks.
    • The memory for each node is dynamically allocated during the loading process and properly deallocated during unloading.
  6. Dictionary Size Retrieval:
    • The size function returns the total number of words loaded into the dictionary, providing a quick reference to the dictionary’s capacity.

Technical aspects

  • Efficiency in Spell-Checking: The hash table, combined with an effective hash function, allows for rapid word retrieval, which is critical for real-time spell-checking applications.
  • Memory Optimization: Dynamic memory allocation for nodes and careful memory management demonstrate an understanding of efficient memory use, crucial in resource-constrained environments.
  • Algorithm Optimization: The choice of the djb2 hashing algorithm and the use of a prime number for the hash table size reflect a thoughtful approach to minimizing collisions and optimizing search time.
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Data sources:

Problem Set 4 from Harvard’s CS50x 2023.

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